formal integration

英 [ˈfɔːml ˌɪntɪˈɡreɪʃn] 美 [ˈfɔːrml ˌɪntɪˈɡreɪʃn]

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  1. The formal introduction of Target Killing as an Israel security policy indicates the organic integration of the "fighting terrorism by terrorism" measure with the national security strategy.
  2. The United States, as the host nation, has set the formal agenda that includes integration between the economically diverse nations and green growth.
  3. The method of generating and developing a learning-based university culture is to build up a common vision to promote the formal integration of the organization;
  4. A formal method was proposed to depict the component integration and predict the component runtime behavior of integration. In this method, the component interfaces were regarded as thread& trigger and response.
  5. To propose an extended Petri net as the formal method to represent the negotiation protocols, which support analysis, reuse, and integration.
  6. The former is related to the accuracy of formal logical thinking and the latter is related to the integration of the thinking.
  7. Research on formal semantics of component integration
  8. Study on Formal Reasoning in Metadata Integration Based on CWM
  9. Lexical representation and development in a second language can be divided into three stages: formal stage, L1 lemma mediation stage, and L2 integration stage.
  10. As a formal institutional arrangement, the law should shoulder more functions on resources integration and configuration.
  11. Therefore, this article analyzes the status and features of Xi 'an migrant workers of formal and informal social support network and the relationship between them and migrant workers urban integration through the social capital theory and the social network theory.
  12. Based on it, formal process integration modeling techniques are researched, and mapping rules from semiformal model to formal model are built. 3.
  13. Secondly, considering the temporal and spatial characteristics of evolutionary process of unconventional incidents, concepts and formal representations of temporal and spatial scheduling engines were put forward, and the method of dynamic model integration under temporal and spatial constrains were discussed.
  14. This paper aims at building adaptable software systems with the guidance of commonality and variability analysis. We study the automated development, formal verification, optimal configuration, and diversified integration of adaptable software systems and related software artifacts.
  15. The second part list formal literature on cultural integration risks in overseas M& A systematically.
  16. The system will be put into formal operation after rigorous unit testing, integration testing and system testing. Now it is in a test run.
  17. Data source compatibility can be achieved by the formal description of data conception in ontology. And the evolution mechanism in ontology can provide basic support for building a self-adaption integration system.
  18. Different types of social support networks play an integral role for the city integration of migrant workers, but formal social support network can better promote the integration of migrant workers in cities.